Alain Delon, declarații tulburătoare: ,,Sunt la sfârșitul vieții!”
Alain Delon a primit premiul Palme d'Or pentru întreaga sa activitate la Festivalul de la Cannes
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Alain Delon accepts the Palme d'Or d'Honneur with his daughter Anouchka Delon during the photocall for Palme Honneur during during the 72nd annual Cannes Film Festival on May 19, 2019 in Cannes, France. Photo by Lionel Hahn/ABACAPRESS.COM
Alain Delon accepts the Palme d'Or d'Honneur with his daughter Anouchka Delon during the photocall for Palme Honneur during during the 72nd annual Cannes Film Festival on May 19, 2019 in Cannes, France. Photo by Lionel Hahn/ABACAPRESS.COM
Alain Delon a primit un trofeu pentru întreaga sa carieră în film
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